Cooking club has begun offering weekly signups for the club which meets on Tuesdays in the FACS room.
Mr. Riley Barrows sends out an email about what students will cook before he sends out a form to sign up. The form is sent the B day before Tuesday at 10 a.m., so everyone should be in Panther Time. The first 30 people to sign up get to cook that week.
The club meets during both A and B blocks so you can’t do anything else on Tuesday if you’re signed up for it. Every month one week the club makes something savory that’s vegetarian, one week savory non-vegetarian, and two weeks baking.
Cooking club is like FACS. People who sign up prepare, cook, and eat food during this time. After making something in the club, if you don’t want to eat it then you can bring it home for your family. Just don’t eat anything on the bus.