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The Carson Chronicle

The Carson Chronicle

Students wonder if escalating global conflicts will lead to WWIII

Heathcliff Herndon
Seventh grader James Steare looking at an image of a modern German tank that was gifted to Ukraine for the fight against Russia.

With several major conflicts brewing around the globe, students are wondering, will they result in a Third World War?

The Middle-Eastern Conflicts

Some students were concerned last month when Israel was struck by Iran on April 14 and then launched an airstrike on Iranian nuclear facilities on the night of April 19 in retaliation.

The world is watching to see how the governments of Israel and Iran will react, as well as those of the United States and the United Kingdom, who assisted Israel in shooting down the Iranian missiles over the Israeli airspace.

“This is a confrontation between Iran and the insubordinate Israeli regime from which America should stay away,” said Iran’s representative in the United Nations.

Iran had announced on the same night of their strike that they had launched their attack in the defense of Syria, after Israel struck the Syrian capital of Damascus on April 14. Then, shortly after Iran struck Israel, Israel launched a retaliatory strike on Iran at a nuclear facility in the Isfahan region.

Other world leaders had to decide whether to intervene.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that he will not “condemn” his ally Iran’s attack on Israel but it is not in his “primary interest.”

Egypt has asked Iran to exercise with restraint but the Iranian government has yet to acknowledge what the Egyptian government has asked of it.

While verbal conflict between Israel and Iran using proxy groups has persisted for decades, this attack, marking the first direct attack on Israel from Iranian soil, raises global tensions, leaving the public wondering if it could escalate into a larger war

But while tensions are rising in the Middle-East, that is not the only place where global threatening events are taking place. In Europe, the Russo-Ukrainian war is raging on, but, starting to turn in Russia’s favor.

The Russo-Ukrainian War and NATO’s Involvement

New research shows that now Russia outnumbers Ukraine 10 to 1. And, even with the immense amount of aid being given to Ukraine, Russia is estimated to win the war within one to two years.

“To be truthful, I think Russia is probably gonna win. Even though Ukraine has a lot of countries helping them, Russia has a lot of man-power. Ukraine needs the people to actually operate the equipment,” said seventh-grader James Steare of the Majestics Team.

James said, “Oh I definitely think Putin is gonna go after another country next, I feel like Russia is gonna expand.”

Due to America not providing enough aid, French President Emmanuel Macron has decided to send French ground troops to Ukraine for support against Russia, and is now pressuring the United Kingdom to do so as well.

“I don’t think America really wants to help Ukraine,” said seventh-grader Yefrem Tryboi, a Ukrainian student at Rachel Carson.

As a result of France’s decision to send military units to Ukraine, Putin responded with an all out threat of using nuclear weapons in fear that French presence will slow down their operations and said that any French units in Ukraine would be treated as “legitimate targets.”

In retaliation, the French President responded to Putin’s threat by stating, “WE are a nuclear power, and WE are ready.”

“Yes, I think the world is on the verge of World War Three,” said Yefrem. “If there is going to be a world war three, it is basically going to be a nuclear war,”

Even more recently, one of Putin’s appointed officials stated on Russian TV that if NATO sends troops to Ukraine, nukes will be sent to cities all over the U.S., as a nuclear power France will be dealt with as well, and, “I apologize to any Irish, but the British Isles will go underwater.”

“I think we’re on the path to World War Three,” said James.

Due to the United States not standing up to Russian aggression, France is stepping up to verbally, and politically confront Russia on its own level.

“I feel like France is up there, it’s kinda small but fierce,” James said. “France ain’t gonna let you just walk in, they’re gonna fight back.”

Now having raised the largest military force in Europe second to only Russia itself, France is ready to defend Europe against Russian aggression alongside the U.S. and U.K.

But, the last major conflict has yet to be discussed. China has increased aggression toward Taiwan and countries in the South China Sea in recent years. The U.S. is obliged to go to war for Taiwan if attacked, so, will peace be kept, or will Pandora’s box be opened?

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Conflict in the Asian-Pacific

In the past months, China has threatened Taiwan and the Philippines several times, which has led several countries to begin participating in defense drills. Some of these countries include America, Taiwan, the Philippines, Australia, and France.

“100%, China is definitely gonna attack Taiwan. They can attack them at any moment,” said James.

Taiwan is in constant threat of an invasion from mainland China as they have for the past 75 years when former leader, Chiang Kai Shek evacuated the Former Chinese Government to the Island of Formosa (which is now called Taiwan) in order to escape the communist revolution.

“Yes, I think that China will eventually take Taiwan,” said seventh Grader Agastya Pathak. “I feel like this could result in World War Three.”

The idea of a pact between Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran to combat the U.S. and NATO is a growing image in people’s minds.

“Yes, I think that Russia and China definitely have some sort of an alliance,” said Yefrem.

“I really don’t think China wants war,” James said. “But, if there was a World War Three I definitely think China and Russia are gonna have some sort of an alliance. I would be surprised if they didn’t.”

Many teachers have been through past conflicts, providing them with a different perspective.

“I think what is shown in the news and social media scares students and causes uneasiness as well as creates more questions and uncertainty,” school counselor Mrs. Beth Schires said.

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