RCMS’ TSA chapter is taking part in a state Technosphere competition through May 1-4 in Hampton, VA.
Technosphere, a state competition, comprises both middle school and high school chapters. Chapters come from all around Virginia, hoping to get top three in their events, to reach Nationals.
Students who are able to achieve top three will get a chance to participate in Nationals which will take place in Nashville, Tennessee in June.
TSA is a student organization that has students take part in STEM related activities. These activities are referred to as events. TSA events include STEM animation, System Control Technology, Prepared Speech, Coding, Community Service Video, Biotechnology, Inventions and Innovations, and many more. These events can be submitted through upload or in-person event drop off.
RCMS is taking part in over 15 events. They have recently started preparing for the upcoming competition. The chapter is looking forward to competing, after placing in Regionals last month.
Last year, RCMS made it all the way to nationals with several members winning medals at nationals.