Was It Really A Dream?
A short story.
Where am I? What Happened? As I lay on the soft grass these questions are rushing through my head. Suddenly, I realize that I am not home. I see purple trees as I get up. A cute little monkey comes and jumps on me. His fur is caramel in color. He tries to tell me something. I follow him through the colorful woods. The grass was long and it almost looked like I was in a rain forest.
When we arrived at our destination, I saw a huge flower. It was probably ten times taller than me. As we approached it ,the enormous flower slowly opened. A lady with a beautiful dress walked out of it. She walked so gracefully it was as if she wasn’t even touching the floor. Walking toward me, she said. “I need you to get me a special serum to help my flower stay alive. This flower holds power that makes the forest beautiful.” “Why do I have to do it?” I asked. “You are the only one who is not powered by this forest.” I looked around as I saw the beauty of the magical forest and I thought to myself that I would help her. I determinedly responded,” What do I have to do?” She looked at me with hope in her eyes and said,”You must climb that mountain.” She pointed to a enormous mountain that looked like it could go on forever. It was so tall that I thought I was going to back down from this journey, but I looked at the monkey that traveled with me and it’s bright eyes boosted my self confidence.“I’ll be back as fast as I can.”
I’m climbing up the mountain now. My heart is pounding. I feel like I’m going to fall. I try to look down but I feel nauseous. I just think to myself that I’m going to be alright and I keep climbing determinedly.
As I am slowly reaching the top, I start to feel chilly. Wind blows across my face and I feet paralyzed. I decide to take a break. I sit down and I see a shadow of a figure. Suddenly an animal grabs onto my bag and steals my water and granola bar. Now I’m cold, have no food,and it’s cold.
With my legs on fire, I finally reach to the top. I see a shining light and I know that I have saved the magical forest. I walk toward it and carefully hold it with my small hands. As my hands close around the serum, a blinding light surrounds me, transporting me to another place. Looking around, I noticed I was in my room . I looked at my stuffed monkey and with my head swimming, I realized that it was a dream before drifting off into the darkness of sleep once more.

Falzah Farooq is 12 year old and in 7th grade. She was born in Annapolis, Maryland. She lived in Maryland for most of her life and then this summer she...