“An Immigrant Experience”
Learn about how 7th graders experienced the historical events occurring during immigration through a simple Ellis Island Simulation activity.
Ever wondered how immigrants felt when they arrived in a completely new country where they did not know anything, not even the language? The Ellis Island Simulation was conducted by 7th-grade history teachers to help the students understand how immigrants felt. The teachers and volunteers planned out stations such as a literacy test, eye examination, and health inspection. Some teachers even participated in a questionnaire to provide their opinions about what the simulation meant to them.
“How do you think the simulation helped students understand what happened at Ellis Island?” We think that the Ellis Island Simulation gives students a small taste of what the reality was for 19th-century immigrants. This simulation helped history students understand the situation of immigrants being processed through long lines and the pressure of getting sent back to Europe. We believe the simulation helped students experience what actually happened than simply being taught about it.
“In what ways did you think the Ellis Island simulation was different from the situation faced by 19th-century immigrants?” Students who were processed in the simulation were questioned in English while real immigrants did not know how to speak the language. Volunteers conducting the simulation were kinder than officials in the 19th century and students were not in the fear of being sent back.
“What do you think the most exciting part of the simulation was?” We thought the simulation was a good way to break the typical class routine and give students an opportunity to explore the historical situation. The Ellis Island Simulation was quite exciting because students were able to participate with classmates from several other 7th grade teams, giving them a wide range of experiences.
The Ellis Island Simulation was a fantastic activity to help students understand how immigrant felt when they arrived at Ellis Island. Thank you to Mrs. Guild (All Stars), Mr. Baker (Champions), and Mr. Darr (Dream Team) for taking part in the Ellis Island simulation questionnaire.

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