Where Would You Go?

Summer Break is an opportunity to go on vacation that most people take advantage of. A survey was taken on the most popular Summer Break vacations to see which locations people would go to during this time period. A few popular vacations were chosen from all over the world that represent a few different climates and attractions. The survey included destinations such as Rome, the Bahamas, Puerto Rico, Yellowstone National Park, and Virginia Beach. To get a more accurate spread of data, the survey was conducted on both 7th and 8th graders. The data is represented by the bar graph below.

According to the survey, the most popular Summer Break destinations are the Bahamas and Paris. Paris was the most popular at 38 votes. Virginia beach was voted the least amount of times with a total of 10 votes. Yosemite had the second least with a total of fourteen votes. Though Paris got more votes, the Bahamas is a vacation spot that people go to all year, while Paris is just a Summer Break exclusive as the weather is rainy and cold during other seasons. Most of the locations in the United States did not get many votes. None of the US vacation spots were in the top three for votes, with Orlando being the highest. Yosemite and Yellowstone, whom both get very high amount of tourists every year, did not get very many votes at all.

Paris offers many tourist destinations such as the Eiffel Tower. The Eiffel tower stands at a staggering 984 feet. The construction of the Eiffel tower started on January 26, 1887 and ended on March 31, 1889. It is one of the most well known attractions around the world. Not to mention, tourists can take an elevator to the top to see the beautiful view of Paris. In the Eiffel tower there are actual shops built into the tower for anyone. One student said “ It has breathtaking views and offers various destinations to fit one’s interest.” Another tourist attraction in Paris is Champ de Mars. Champ de Mars is a gigantic park right in front of the Eiffel tower.        

The Bahamas is a chain of islands located east of Florida. It has a staggering amount of islands that total to over 700. The Bahamas is known as one of the most frequently visited destinations in the world. These islands cover roughly 1,001,000 square kilometers and is home to many attractions and vacation spots. There are many outdoor activities such as, swimming with dolphins, snorkeling, and visiting historic attractions. The most tourists arrive between May to October. The Bahamas also sees more than 300 days of sunshine per year. This is a popular vacation spot for tropical enthusiasts.

Students of Rachel Carson like to go places that are different from their usual climates and attractions, although these destinations are preferable to the type of person they are. It is simply impossible to come to a complete consensus. Paris and Bahamas are definitely some destinations to look out for during Summer Break!