Fun activities during the end of the year
As the 2017-2018 school year is coming to an end, there are many activities planned for students to enjoy their last week of school. The activities are going on from Tuesday, June 12, to Thursday, June 14 (the second to last day of school). The activities include the awards ceremony, a movie, field day and the eighth-grade celebration. Many kids don’t know the day their awards ceremony is going on for their team.
The teams that have the awards ceremony on Tuesday, June 12, are the Majestics, Dolphins, Trailblazers and the Yellow Jackets. On Wednesday, June 13,, the Dream Team, Legacy, Wolves and All Stars are having their awards ceremony. Lastly, on Thursday, June 14, the teams that are having their awards ceremony are the Voyagers, Champions, Explorers and the Extreme Team. Some elective teachers are also going to be present during the awards ceremony to give out their own awards.
Ali is an eighth grader at Rachel Carson Middle School. Ali is a writer for the Journalism class. He enjoys biking and running. He enjoys playing video...