Registration ends Oct. 9 for World Language Exam
The world language credit exam registration is closing on Oct. 9 at 4 p.m.
The FCPS credit exam for world languages assesses a student’s proficiency in a world language. This is an opportunity for students from seventh to 12th grade to earn up to three high school credits.
The test will take place at the Rachel Carson library Nov. 13 at 1:45. Students must bring the following: pen/pencil, a photo ID, and credit exam confirmation (provided by your counselor).
Yassin Drissi, a seventh-grader on the Majestics team says: “I am excited about the test. I think I can pass because I have spoken Arabic all my life.”
The exam will consist of two writing prompts. If you speak Greek, Hebrew, Portuguese, or Turkish, your test will be timed. Tests will be graded by an assessor who is proficient in the language.
Exam results will be mailed home in January. You may take the exam up to two times.
See your counselor to sign up and/or receive additional information.