Concert and symphonic bands prepare for upcoming performance
On Oct. 25, Rachel Carson’s Concert and Symphonic bands are having their very first performance of the school year.
The two bands have been working hard to prepare for this big upcoming event, especially now that they have recently received their first sheets of concert music to perform.
Each band will be playing a total of four pieces each. Katherine Bautista-Fuentes, an eighth-grader on the Dolphins team and a horn player for Symphonic Band, really enjoys their sheet music that the band teachers have picked out for them.
Mr. Christopher DiMassimo, one of two band teachers here at Carson, says, “I really enjoy the sheet music that was picked out this year. I think it is very beautiful.” Mr. DiMassimo also says, “I think that this concert is worth going to. I also think that whoever goes, students or parents, will really enjoy it.”

Audrey Burns is a seventh- grader on Carson's Champions team. In her free time, she enjoys diving, playing field hockey, and playing soccer.