SOL testing returns amid pandemic

FCPS students are being prompted to return to school for SOL testing from April 26 through June 4 amid the ongoing pandemic.
This year, the U.S. Education Department is continuing to require students in grades 3-12 across Virginia to take the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) Tests. These tests measure what students have learned from the content and skills detailed in the Virginia Standards of Learning, and provide parents, school, and state information about student achievement. School staff will be scheduling specific testing dates for each student as the assessment window approaches.
To take the SOLs, every student is required to arrive in-person at their school — no virtual option is available, although parents may choose to opt their students out of the test. FCPS will provide transportation for students to get to school, as needed. Each subject test should take students approximately two hours.
Like every other year, students in grade 7 take the Reading and Mathematics SOL tests. Students in grade 8 take the Reading, Mathematics, and Science SOL. However, this year the Virginia Board of Education has expanded the opportunity for divisions to use local alternative assessments to replace the actual SOL tests, due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Students in grade 7 will receive a social studies local alternative assessment, and students in grade 8 will receive a social studies and writing local alternative assessment.
The local alternative assessments are delivered as part of regular classroom instruction during the school year to measure student learning of the standards. Therefore, no special appointments are needed for local alternative assessments.
SOLs are used to evaluate what students’ knowledge on course content standards for federal and state accountability.
Parents will be contacted with new information as it is available. If a parent is not comfortable with their child participating in the SOL this year due to the pandemic, FCPS is asking them to contact the school test coordinator.
For more information on the upcoming SOL tests, visit the FCPS website, reach out to a school counselor, or contact the school testing coordinator, Ms. Ross.
Eighth-grader at RCMS; attending Chantilly for high school
Kaylin White is a eighth-grader at RCMS.

Sree Sakthi Shekar is a seventh-grade student at RCMS. She loves to read books and draw.