New hall passes issued for students leaving class
Under a new hall pass system announced Sept. 20 by Principal Gordon Stokes, not only do students still have to do the electronic hall pass but now they also have to get a paper pass from their teacher.
With this new pass, students have to fill out the electronic form and then ask their teacher for the paper pass, and they fill in the student’s name and the time they left.
Students must take their paper hall pass with them to their destination just in case a teacher asks them for their hall pass. When they return, they have to give their passes back to the teacher.
The new passes help to build accountability. The passes are color coded, blue for seventh grade and green for eight grade, but the layout is the same for both. Though there isn’t a limit on students at a time, most teachers will only send two. If someone doesn’t have a pass, they will simply be asked to head back to class and get one.
Students can get one of these passes by simply asking for one from your teacher, filling out all the important information, and having them sign it.