Model UN team aims for fourth top award
The Rachel Carson Model UN team will compete at their next conference, TECHMUN, at Thomas Jefferson high school on March 25.
A total of at least 20 MUN students will go and represent Rachel Carson at TECHMUN along with at least 10 other middle school MUN teams, according to club officers.
They will participate in speaking intervals called mods and unmods, both discussing different topics and allowing them to work with other “delegates.” A delegate/school’s performance in both of these times determines who will win their respective committee, and the “best middle school” award of the respective conference.
During the past four conferences, the RCMS MUN team has won three of the “best middle school” award plaques that have now been displayed in the trophy case underneath the main entrance stairs. Hence, they are now known as the best MUN middle school team in the state. With the next conference coming up, they are now aiming to achieve their fourth award at TECHMUN.

Hello. My name is Ryan Kim and I am a seventh-grader and a journalist for the Carson Chronicle. I play golf and am part of the Mavericks team.