Nadia Potapov, Writer
Nadia Potapov was born in New Jersey but moved to Virginia before she was even two years old. She has moved three times but now lives in a nice house that her family has no intention of moving out of anytime soon. Nadia’s parent’s names are Serge and Katia. Her sister’s name is Daria, though she prefers the name Dasha.
Nadia has had three cats, but one of them ran away while they were on vacation, and her great aunt and uncle lost him. Now they have two cats, one is nine years old and is named Pilot, and the smaller one is named Coby and he is only five months old.
Nadia is very good at drawing and plays volleyball very well. But she is going to start playing soccer in the spring. She speaks fluent Russian and is now learning French. Nadia has Russian ancestry and relatives that live in France.