Why do people fail their New Year’s resolutions?

Celebrating the last moments of the year, streamers and confetti float all around creating a colorful illusion. Everyone’s spirit is big and bright as they embrace the new year with eager arms. As clocks strike midnight, the sound of cheering crowds echo through the busy streets. The sound of fireworks bursting with excitement brings something special for the new year.

And they say the sound of people’s fragile New Year’s resolutions breaking, like shards of a glass bottle, can be heard early next morning.

With every new year comes a new resolution; however, by the time the next year arrives, many people realize that their previous new year resolution has not been achieved. People make resolutions that are forgotten within a week into the new year.

“My New Year’s resolution this year is very ambitious. I want to start a bullet journal,” said an eighth grader named Charlie Tatum. “A bullet journal is a journal that keeps track of when you exercise and sleep and how much water you drank. You put all of it into a journal so it looks cool. It can also be used for to do lists.”

However, when he was asked whether he would be able to achieve his resolution, his reply was, “No. Not in the least bit.”

Turns out he had never actually successfully completed his resolution and neither have many others.

An eighth grader, Lily Walters, never made a resolution because she knew that she would forget all about it in a few days.

Nearly 50 percent of people are making New Year’s resolutions, but less than 10 percent are actually keeping them. For many people, the problems vary. However the most common issue is when people make a broad statement but never think about how they will implement it. Think about the resolution. Its it really possible? Is it achievable?

How much one is willing to achieve their new year’s resolutions is also an important factor. Some people are too impatient or don’t care whether or not their resolutions come true or not. For example, an eighth grader Sreya Devarakonda, stated, “My resolution last year was to not fight with my brother.” She later said that she never achieved it because she wasn’t patient enough to make it actually happen.

Only people who have a motivation will be able to achieve their resolutions. “Last year my resolution was to get all A’s,” says Ramya Griddaluri, an eighth grader in Yellow Jackets. “I achieved this goal but it was because I had a motivation to get into TJ.” This year her resolution is to become a vegan because she doesn’t want to drink things that animals were tortured for.

Michelle Lin, an eighth grader in Xtreme Team, says her resolution is to become more productive and win a writing competition. When asked about the amount of failed revolutions in her life, she said, “Over 10. I forgot all my resolutions after about two days. ” It seems that she has been more successful at keeping resolutions after entering middle school. Maturity, a plan and motivation are keys to keeping a new year’s resolution.